Marine Air d.o.o. (hereinafter the Company) implements the measures of personal data protection pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), statutory and regulatory provisions.
This policy determines the actions of the Company regarding the collection, processing, storing, transferring and destruction of personal data processed in business operations of the Company.
When receiving inquiries by e-mail, phone or in person, the Company collects only the client’s data that is necessary for the provision of the services.
The personal data is collected in one of the following manners:
• Directly from the clients – when clients contact the Company, by inquiring about a certain service by e-mail, phone or in person in the offices of the company. Directly collected data is collected with the consent of the client or pursuant to a separately concluded Agreement with the clients on the application of the General Data Protection Regulation. The consent is defined in Article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation as the statement or clear affirmative action by which the client gives consent to the processing of personal data related to him.
- Indirectly – data obtained using the Company’s website.
If you continue to use our website, it is considered that you have consented to the processing of personal data through our website. If you do not consent to the processing of your personal data during the use of the website, do not use our website.
You can find more detailed information regarding the use of personal data through our website here.
The personal data of the client is processed pursuant to the applicable provisions solely for the realization of the service. If necessary, the data is processed and stored to fulfill the service for which the data was collected. After the realization of the requested service, the personal data is deleted from all locations and all databases, except the archives in which the data is kept for fulfilling tax and other legal obligations. The personal data of the clients are used only by the employees who participate in the realization of the inquiry.
To ensure that the data processing is secure, the Company implements the necessary administrative, procedural, technical and physical security measures. The personal data is shared with third parties only if this is necessary to realize the services, and we demand that third parties use the equal level of protection.
Under certain circumstances, the personal data may be given without the consent of the user, if this is required by a court order or legal provisions of any kind, for assessment or collection of taxes or fees, arrest or prosecution of offenders, prevention or detection of crimes.
The passenger voluntarily gives personal data. The personal data of the passenger are necessary for the process of realization of the requested service and will be used only for this purpose. After the realization of the requested service, the personal data of the passenger is deleted from all locations and databases, except the archives where the data is stored for the fulfillment of tax and other legal obligations.
Marine Air d.o.o. is obliged to protect the equipment and premises where the personal data is stored during the realization of requested services in an appropriate manner. Marine Air d.o.o. is obliged not to take the personal data out of the country or transfer them to a third party, except the partners who participate in the realization of the requested service.
The substantive law of the Republic of Croatia will apply to these Terms of transportation of passengers and to all rights and obligations of the passengers and the carriers contained herein, as well as all mutual relations that are not explicitly regulated by these Terms and all disputes that may arise between the passenger and the agency.
The jurisdiction for the resolution of all disputes that arise from these Terms will belong to the competent court in the Republic of Croatia.
The personal data of the client is processed pursuant to the applicable provisions solely for the realization of the service. If necessary, the data is processed and stored to fulfill the service for which the data was collected. After the realization of the requested service, the personal data is deleted from all locations and all databases, except the archives in which the data is kept for fulfilling tax and other legal obligations. The personal data of the clients are used only by the employees who participate in the realization of the inquiry.
To ensure that the data processing is secure, the Company implements the necessary administrative, procedural, technical and physical security measures. The personal data is shared with third parties only if this is necessary to realize the services, and we demand that third parties use the equal level of protection.
Under certain circumstances, the personal data may be given without the consent of the user, if this is required by a court order or legal provisions of any kind, for assessment or collection of taxes or fees, arrest or prosecution of offenders, prevention or detection of crimes.
The Company enables the clients to exercise their rights regarding the access to information, complaints about the processing, limiting of the processing, transfer of data, correction of data, deletion of data.
The clients submit the requests for the exercise of rights in writing. If the individual submits a request in connection to any of the abovementioned rights, the Company will consider such request pursuant to all laws and regulations on data protection in force.
The clients have a right to access the information pursuant to the submitted request regarding:
-purpose of personal data processing
-category of personal data
-recipients to whom the personal data may be transferred, together with the locations of such recipients
-planned period of personal data storing and statement of reasons regarding the determination of the period of storing.
All requests regarding accessing or correcting the personal data must be directed to the following address: Marine Air d.o.o./ Trg Kralja Tomislava 2, Zagreb / accounting department/officer in charge of personal data protection.
The response to each request is delivered within 30 days from the receipt of the written request. If the client’s request may not be answered in full within 30 days, the notice of request receipt is sent to the client confirming and specifying all information collected and with all the details about determining the date by which the full answer will be delivered. In case the answer will not be delivered to the client at all, he/she should be informed on the reason for rejection, and on all possible appeal procedures.
The policy of personal data protection of the clients came into force on 25 May 2018. In case of change of the personal data protection policy, a notice will be published on the company’s website. The notice will contain all important information on the changes in the policy of personal data protection of the clients.
Marine Air d.o.o. (hereinafter: the Company) recognizes and appreciates your right to data confidentiality and obliges to preserve the safety of data collected through the website (hereinafter the website). The company collects, processes and stores your personal data pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation and other valid regulations. The data will not be sent to third parties or transferred to third countries, except when necessary to realize the contracted services.
Further use of our web site will be considered as your acceptance of all the terms described below.
If you do not consent to the terms of use, do not use our website.
The cookies enable the company to collect the statistical data on the behavior of the users on the website (for example, on which parts of the website they spend the most time, and where they spend the least), which Internet browser they use (for example Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox), etc.
The cookies are small data sets sent from the server of the company’s website to the computer of the user and are used as an anonymous identifier. The cookies are used for smoother navigation through the website. The cookies are not used to access user data or to track the activities of the use after leaving the company’s website.
The company retains the right to use the website cookies, but each user may prohibit the receipt of the cookies by editing/changing the settings of their Internet browser.
Through the website, the company collects only the statistical personal data on the behavior of the users on the website. In case the user sends an inquiry to the company through the website, the company will use the received e-mails with the user’s personal data only for the realization of the requested service.
In case of changes of the rules on privacy protection and processing of personal data through the website, the notice on changes will be published on the homepage of the company’s website. The notice will contain all important information on the changes of rules on privacy protection and processing of personal data through the website.
In Zagreb, 25 May 2018.
In case you have a complaint about the services that we have provided, pursuant to Article 6 of the Act on Provision of Services in Tourism and Article 10, paragraph 3 of the Consumer Protection Act, you may file such a complaint to the record of complaints that we keep in all our offices.
You may also send a complaint by mail, to the address: Marine Air d.o.o., Trg Kralja Tomislava 2, 10000 Zagreb, or to the e-mail address:
We will immediately confirm the receipt of your complaint in writing.
The response to your written complaint will be given in writing within 15 days from the receipt of the complaint.