MARINE AIR Ltd., International Travel Agency

Competent court

Commercial Court in Zagreb

Zagreb, Trg Kralja Tomislava 2

Share capital:
HRK 35,000.00, paid in full

Registration number:
080157284, Commercial Court in Zagreb

VAT identification number:

HR AB-01-080157284

Bank accounts:
Raiffeisen bank d.d., Petrinjska 59, Zagreb IBAN: HR9124840081100229553
Raiffeisen bank d.d., Petrinjska 59, Zagreb IBAN: HR2924840081500154685

Members of the Board:

Ranko Bebić, represents the company severally and independently
Morana Bolfek, represents the company severally and independently


Competent entity for official supervision:
Državni inspektorat, Turistička inspekcija, Šubićeva 29, 10 000 Zagreb, Tel: 2375 100

Core business:
Travel agency business
• mediation in the sales of flight tickets on the behalf and for the account of the air carriers, mediation in the sales of the insurance on the behalf and for the account of the insurance companies, mediation in obtaining visas
• provision of accommodation and transfer services, on their own behalf and for someone else’s account



Zagreb Office
Address: Trg Kralja Tomislava 2, 10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 (1) 4922 140
Fax: +385 (1) 4922 141
Working hours: MON – FRI 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Manager: Morana Bolfek


Rijeka Office
Address: Riva 16, 51000 Rijeka
Phone: +385 (51) 334 664
Fax: +385 (51) 334 668
Working hours: MON – FRI 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Manager: Morana Bolfek


Split Office
Address: Bihaćka 2a, 21000 Split
Phone: +385 (21) 322 490
Fax: +385 (21) 322 489
Working hours: MON – FRI 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Manager: Morana Bolfek